The benefits of a CMS enabled Website


6th February 2013

The benefits of a CMS enabled Website

The start of 2013 saw us launch a new design and build website for FPoP (Faculty of Psychologists of Older People; formerly PSIGE -  Psychologists' Special Interest Group for the Elderly).

New FPoP/PSIGE Website by Alacrify

A suitable design, which emphasised the Faculty's colours along with clear navigation paths, was approved in Autumn 2012 (shown above) and work soon began in transferring this across into a working website which will eventually allow a group of registered users access to update information on regional groups, national news and events, as well as providing links to past issues of their newsletter etc.

Original PSIGE Website by Alacrify

The original website (above) had been built and maintained by Alacrify for a number of years, however the changing needs and requirements of the group meant that a modern, up-to-date CMS (content management system) website was needed to ensure content and information could be updated quickly and efficiently.

CMS websites can be real time and cost savers for those who are keen to maintain control over the editing of their website. Accessed via login details, users are able to edit almost all of the content on the website, add in new pages and create news stories as and when required.

Visit the new FPoP/PSIGE website yourself.

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