Adding Twitter and Twitterfeed to MagentoGo @MothPrevention


7th January 2012

Adding Twitter and Twitterfeed to MagentoGo @MothPrevention

This week we have added in a system for creating a virtual news blog on MagentoGo. 

There is no built-in way to do this, so we have had to create a cunning workaround. This means utilising a bunch of formatting conventions for the page names on MagentoGo that we're using for the news stories (they are all prefixed with "stories/") and then using PHP to read the list and create an xml RSS feed from the published items.

Once the RSS feed is in place (which needed to be hosted on another domain as MagentoGo won't allow independent files to be hosting on the standard package) we could then set up the Twitter account and using Twitterfeed we were then able to publish it directly to Twitter whenever a news story is written in MagentoGo.

You can see the results here: @MothPrevention

If you would like us to set up a system like this on your MagentoGo account then please get in touch with or phone Jon on 01300 320076.

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